The Stereographic Projection series is a series of photomanipulations created in Adobe Photoshop. The series was created through the use of photographs and the Polar Coordinates effect in Photoshop. This technique was popular with a segment of digital artists during the early 2010’s, and I created quite a few myself. Some work better than others, but I had a lot of fun creating all of them. While a few prints are available individually in various sizes, most artworks are only available in 8 inch by 8 inch prints, purchased as part of the series bundle.

A Day in a Canoe Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Angels Landing Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Bonneville Salt Flats Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Cleveland Reservoir Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Clouds Over Fox Hollow Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Cotton Candy Clouds Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Cottonwood Creek Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Distant Mountains Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Distant Peaks Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Down by the Creek Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Early Morning Supermoon Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Field of Hay Bales Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Fire in the Sky Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Horseshoe Mountain Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Hovenweep Stereographic Projection (2017)

Idaho Falls Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Idaho Falls Temple Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Jackson Lake Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Long Lake Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Meadow at the Top Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Molten Sunrise Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Mount Nebo and Friends Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Mountains of Sanpete Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Mountains of Santa Clara Stereographic Projection (2017)

Old Man and the Sea (2017)

Point Arena Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Purple and Orange Sky Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Salt Lake Valley Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

San Rafael Swell Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Shelter Cove (1) Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Shelter Cove (2) Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Sunset at Sunset Ridge Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Tetons from Signal Mountain Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Utah Valley Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

View South from Mt. Konocti Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Waiting to Erupt Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Wales Canyon Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)

Washington Lake Mirrored Stereographic Projection (2017)